Lufthansa Technik reinforces commitment to apprentice training


Following two years of crises in the aviation industry, caused by Covid-19 measures, Lufthansa Technik has reinstated its apprentice training programme. The programme was suspended in 2022 as the pandemic began, but this year it has returned, with numbers similar to its 2020 apprentice intake:186 young people will begin their apprenticeship at the company’s various locations in Germany. Furthermore, 23 ‘dual students’ have been taken on, who are school graduates combining their degree courses with practical learning.

The apprenticeship programme is no mere PR stunt: in today’s increasingly tight HR market, Lufthansa Technik is using the programme as a method of recruiting young people into the company, in addition to more conventional methods. The company has also developed new marketing visuals and the slogan ‘We are Aviationeers’, which are being used in printed and online advertising formats as well as social media channels. Lufthansa Technik is also advertising for new employees in Hamburg and Frankfurt, with campaigns in public transport and in fast-food restaurants. The company’s presence at trade fairs will also be intensified, as will cooperation projects with schools and universities.

“We need reinforcements for the decade ahead; mechanics and engineers for the production divisions, we need young staff members for logistics and also the commercial sector,” said Barbara Koerner, head of training & dual studies at Lufthansa Technik. “We are competing with many other companies that are preparing for the changes brought about by the upcoming generation change and increasing digitisation. The job market has changed a great deal: in a constantly evolving world, we increasingly find ourselves in the situation of no longer being able to choose but having to be chosen as an attractive employer. In this respect, vocational training of highly qualified workers remains one of our most important measures for securing the future.”

Of the 209 new training positions or places to study available to candidates, 122 are directly attributable to Lufthansa Technik AG, 36 to the technical operations of Lufthansa Airlines (for the first time), and the remainder to subsidiary companies of the Lufthansa Technik Group (see below). The company is also seeking to recognise equality and diversity, and reports that 14% of this year’s intake is expected to be female, while two hearing-impaired people will start their training as tool mechanics in Hamburg.

Training figures by location and specialisation:
Lufthansa Technik AG, Hamburg (training started 8th August): 111 in total (including Technik students).

Of which:

93 are apprentices:
28 aircraft mechanics for technical maintenance
10 aircraft mechanics for production engineering
21 aircraft mechanics for engine technology
6 tool mechanics (2 of which are hearing-impaired)
13 electronics technicians for devices and systems
11 aircraft electronics specialists
4 cutting machine operators
18 Technik students

3 aircraft construction specialists
2 electrical engineering and information technology specialists
6 mechanical engineers
1 mechatronics specialist

3 industrial engineers
3 information technology specialists

Lufthansa Technik AG, Frankfurt (training starts 22nd August): 65 in total (including Technik students).

Of which 60 are apprentices:
24 aircraft mechanics for engine technology
18 aircraft mechanics for technical maintenance (training for
Lufthansa Airlines)
6 aircraft electronics specialists (training for Lufthansa Airlines)
6 aircraft mechanics for technical maintenance (training for
Lufthansa Airlines, after basic training deployment in Munich)
6 aircraft electronics specialists (training for Lufthansa Airlines,
after basic training deployment in Munich)

5 are Technik students – Bachelor
1 international business engineer
2 business engineers
2 Applied Physicists

Lufthansa Technik Logistik Services, Hamburg (training started 8th August): 8 in total.
8 specialists for warehouse logistics

Lufthansa Technik Logistik Services, Frankfurt (training starts 22nd August): 9 in total. Of which:
7 are specialists for warehouse logistics
2 are specialists for forwarding and logistics services

Lufthansa Technik AERO Alzey, Alzey (training started 1st August):11 in total
11 aircraft mechanics for engine technology

Lufthansa Engineering and Operational Services GmbH (training starts 22nd August): 1 in total
1 specialist in mechatronics engineering

Lufthansa Technik AG, Berlin (training starts 1st September): 4 in total
4 aircraft mechanics for production engineering
