Lufthansa Technik’s AVIATAR reaches carbon-neutral operations


Lufthansa Technik Aviatar

Lufthansa Technik has announced its digital operations suite AVIATAR is now operating as carbon-neutral. Philip Mende, Vice President Digital Fleet Services at Lufthansa Technik said: “Of course, we are proud to be the pioneer among digital tech ops platforms in launching a carbon-neutral product. But this is just the start for us. On the one hand, we will continue to drive forward the real reduction of emissions in our production in a targeted manner and firmly anchor the topic of sustainability in our product development.

“On the other hand, we intend to conduct further studies in the near future in order to precisely quantify the emission savings that AVIATAR enables for our customers, for example by avoiding technical diversions or by optimising aircraft performance and flight operations. Here, we expect even more impressive figures.”

Lufthansa Technik says CO2 neutrality of its digital product segment is only the first step, and continuous reduction of emissions is a high priority for its four other business segments too. Although neutrality in the rather “classic” industrial segments is much more difficult to achieve than with digital products, Lufthansa Technik says it has set itself ambitious milestones. The CO2 footprint of the entire company is to be reduced by 25% by 2025 and the share of renewable energies is to increase to 50%.

The company has also set other milestones such as increasing recycling rate (to 75%), improving resource efficiency (by 25%), and reducing the chemical footprint (by 25%).

Lufthansa Technik also supports airlines around the world in achieving their sustainability goals, with its sustainability products such as the company’s Cyclean engine wash system and surface technology AeroSHARK.
