Major Privacy Leak in WestJet App


Professional, business individual with tablet and smartphone

WestJet suffered a privacy breach on it app Wednesday, that customers say allowed them to see the personal details of other travellers.

In an emailed statement to CBC News, a WestJet spokesperson said at 3:53 pm MT, “a technical issue was identified that impacted guest profiles on the WestJet App.” It added the issue was resolved at 4:27 pm MT.

Several people told CBC News they could see profile information of other users which included phone numbers, home addresses, dates of birth, email addresses, WestJet dollar and flight voucher details, and in some cases, the last four digits of a user’s credit card number.

In its statement to CBC, WestJet apologized to guests for the disruption and said it’s investigating the issue.

“We take the privacy of our guests extremely seriously and will continue to provide updates to our guests as required,” WestJet said.

WestJet did not respond to CBC’s questions about how many people were impacted by the technological glitch and how many users’ personal information was shared.
