Man Fights Police at DFW Airport, Passengers Help Subdue Him


Police at Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport needed a stun gun and the help of several passengers to subdue a man who instigated a wild brawl.

Jerome Toson Jr. was being held at a Fort Worth jail after being charged with assault of a public servant, attempting to take a weapon from a peace officer and resisting arrest, according to FOX4 in Texas.

“I really hope that whatever was going on with this guy, it was a moment in time,” said John Huston, a bystander who reportedly captured the footage, said in an interview with FOX 4.

Police were called to the airport Thursday after receiving a report about an unruly traveler shoving an airline employee, the news station reported.

As the video then picks up, Toson begins arguing with the officers and takes a punch at one. One officer then uses a stun gun but it doesn’t entirely incapacitate Toson.

It does bring him to the floor, however, and several passengers waiting for flights jump in to help the two officers.
