Mark Beveridge Appointed Operations Director of Aberdeen International Airport


AGS Airports Ltd, which owns Aberdeen, Glasgow and Southampton airports, has today (Wednesday 27January) confirmed the appointment of Mark Beveridge as Operations Director of Aberdeen International Airport.

Mark will bring extensive experience to the north-east’s biggest transport hub having worked and led large teams within the energy sector. He joins from TWMA where he held the position of Regional Director. Prior to that, he held senior positions with companies including Sparrows.

Mark will succeed Roger Hunt who acted as interim Managing Director of the airport in addition to his current role as Chief of Business Services for AGS Airports.

Mark’s appointment is one of a number of new appointments within AGS Airport’s executive team.

Reporting to chief executive, Derek Provan, Mark Johnston takes up the new role of chief operating officer for AGS. During his near 12 years with the group, Mark has held a series of senior management roles including managing director of Glasgow Airport.

Gillian Bruton has joined AGS as chief financial officer. Gillian is well-versed in the transport and aviation sectors having previously held the position of finance director for Highlands and Islands Airports Ltd, which owns and operates 11 airports around Scotland. This was a joint appointment with Caledonian Maritime Assets Ltd.

Derek Provan, Chief Executive of AGS Airports, said: “Aberdeen International Airport is playing an important role in the country’s response to the coronavirus pandemic by supporting crucial lifeline services and our oil and gas sector. The connectivity it provides will be vital in aiding the recovery of the north east’s economy and I’m pleased Mark has joined us as we work to navigate our way through what is an extremely challenging time for both the airport and the region.”

Mark said: “The success of the airport and region are intertwined and now more than ever, it’s important we rebuild the connectivity on which Aberdeen’s internationally-focused economy is so dependent.

“Aberdeen International Airport will continue to serve the community of the north east like it has done throughout the pandemic.

“Our recovery from this pandemic will take time but we have a great team at Aberdeen International Airport who will help contribute to this.”
