MGA chooses Inflight Dublin for IFE content and wireless services


Mavi Gök Airlines (MGA) has chosen Inflight Dublin as its in-flight entertainment partner. Inflight Dublin will be providing content and Wireless IFE through its end-to-end solution, Everhub.

According to Inflight Dublin, the three-year-contract will see the company service MGA’s B777s with content licensing, metadata, and audio-visual post production services for their seatback IFE system. Also, one of MGA’s B737 aircraft will be equipped with Everhub. Everhub enables passengers to stream media through their own smartphones, tablets or laptops.

Barry Flynn, Chief Operating Officer, Inflight Dublin commented on the announcement: “Inflight Dublin is delighted that MGA has chosen us to be their content and wireless provider. Being their single point of contact for both service lines will ensure smooth communications and enhanced operational efficiencies. Moving forward, our goal is to expand the content offering for seat-back, and feature set on Everhub™, so that MGA passengers continue to have an enjoyable and seamless entertainment experience no matter what MGA flight they are on.”

Inflight Dublin says that with a single Everhub server, a B737 aircraft full of MGA passengers will have access to a tailored content and games package on an interactive user interface that is aligned with MGA’s brand.

“As passenger expectations for IFE on long and short haul routes continues to evolve, MGA is proud to partner with Inflight Dublin and gain access to their innovative inflight entertainment solutions. Inflight Dublin’s leadership within the IFE space is backed by the high quality and value of their products and services, giving us the confidence in this partnership,” M. Abdullah Çitçi, General Manager of MGA said.
