MSC Foundation Spearheads Philanthropic Efforts in Ocean Conservation During Monaco Ocean Week


In an impactful gathering at the annual Monaco Ocean Week on March 19, the MSC Foundation, in partnership with the International Union for Conservation of Nature, led a significant multi-stakeholder discussion. This event, marking a collaborative effort with the Velux Foundation and Filantropia Cortes Solari, aimed at harnessing the power of philanthropy for ocean conservation. A highlight of the meeting was the opening remarks by HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco, setting a tone of urgency and commitment towards preserving marine biodiversity.

The MSC Foundation, a beacon of hope for coral reefs, especially in The Bahamas, showcased its dedication to coral reef restoration through its Super Coral Program. Executive Director Daniela Picco detailed the foundation’s holistic approach, combining long-term science and research investments with strong partnerships across institutional, academic, and MSC Group affiliations. A notable achievement includes the successful establishment of a nursery for the critically endangered elkhorn coral, which demonstrated exceptional survival rates even after the harsh marine heatwave of summer 2023. This success story not only underscores the resilience of these coral species but also illuminates a path forward for coral conservation in the region.

Underlining the importance of global collaboration in addressing marine conservation challenges, Picco emphasized the MSC Foundation’s role as a bridge between local and international experts, fostering dialogues that are inclusive, innovative, and open. The foundation’s commitment extends to supporting an extensive scientific endeavor aimed at updating the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, involving over 100 scientists worldwide.

Since its inception in 2019, the Super Coral Program has been at the forefront of efforts to rejuvenate the coral reefs around the Ocean Cay MSC Marine Reserve. This initiative, in collaboration with the Bahamian government and marine conservation experts, highlights the transformative journey of Ocean Cay from an industrial site to a biodiversity haven. MSC Cruises’ environmental stewardship has been pivotal in this transformation, emphasizing the cruise line’s unparalleled commitment to environmental excellence.

Dr. Owen O’Shea, the MSC Foundation’s Marine Program & Research Manager, shared insights into the foundational efforts that have transformed Ocean Cay into a thriving ecosystem, further recognized as a “Hope Spot” by Mission Blue and Dr. Sylvia Earle. This designation emphasizes the global significance of local conservation efforts in promoting ocean health.

The crucial role of coral reefs, supporting a vast array of marine life and contributing significantly to human wellbeing, was also highlighted. With ongoing research and conservation efforts, including the development of resilient coral strains and advanced restoration techniques, there’s a growing optimism for the future of our oceans.

Dr. David Smith, a leading figure in marine biology and a chief scientific advisor to the MSC Foundation, stressed the importance of innovative coral restoration methods. These efforts are vital for maintaining the biodiversity and ecological balance of marine environments, ensuring the sustainability of oceanic ecosystems for future generations.

In summary, the MSC Foundation’s endeavors during Monaco Ocean Week have underscored the critical importance of philanthropy, science, and collaboration in advancing ocean conservation goals. With a focused approach on coral reef restoration and conservation, the foundation is setting a benchmark for environmental stewardship and sustainable marine ecosystem management.
