NASA Ames Research Center Leading the Way in eVTOL Research


NASA’s Ames Research Center, situated in the heart of California’s Silicon Valley, is at the forefront of shaping the future of electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) vehicles, poised to revolutionize urban air mobility and transportation. With cutting-edge facilities and unmatched expertise, the center is driving innovation in advanced air mobility, encompassing the development and integration of eVTOLs and other groundbreaking aircraft into the national airspace system.

Among its remarkable facilities, Ames boasts the world’s largest wind tunnel, capable of accommodating full-scale eVTOL and aircraft models while simulating diverse flight conditions and scenarios. This facility empowers researchers to assess eVTOLs’ aerodynamic performance, noise levels, and stability, as well as explore various designs and configurations.

Another notable asset is the vertical motion simulator, the world’s largest motion flight simulator, housed within a ten-story tower. This simulator replicates all flight phases, including takeoff, cruise, and landing, for a range of aircraft, including eVTOLs. It facilitates in-depth studies of human factors, flight control systems, cockpit displays, and handling qualities specific to eVTOLs, while serving as a testbed for emerging technologies and urban air mobility concepts.

Steve Yoon, Chief of the Computational Physics Branch at Ames, emphasizes NASA’s role in providing technical leadership and guidance to both the industry and regulators in eVTOL development and certification. Collaborating with key stakeholders, including the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), the US Air Force, and private enterprises, NASA contributes to advancing eVTOL technology and operations.

Yoon holds an optimistic outlook for eVTOLs, recognizing their potential to revolutionize air transportation and mobility. These aircraft offer numerous advantages, including reduced emissions, noise, and congestion, heightened accessibility and affordability, and enhanced safety and reliability. He anticipates exponential growth in the eVTOL market as more individuals embrace this transformative mode of travel.

Sources: AirGuide Business,,
