NATO Chooses Boeing E-7A Wedgetail for Advanced Airborne Early Warning and Control Capabilities


NATO has officially selected the Boeing E-7A Wedgetail as its next-generation command-and-control aircraft, marking a significant advancement in the alliance’s airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) capabilities. This decision, announced on November 15, 2023, comes as NATO plans to replace its existing fleet of 14 E-3A Sentry Airborne Warning and Control System aircraft.

The Boeing E-7A Wedgetail, chosen through a rigorous evaluation process, will provide NATO with enhanced command-and-control capabilities. The alliance intends to purchase six E-7As through the US Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program, reflecting NATO’s commitment to modernizing its AEW&C fleet with advanced technology.

The E-7 Wedgetail, based on a modified Boeing 737 airframe, roughly similar to the 737-700ER, is renowned for its state-of-the-art Northrop Grumman Multi-role Electronically Scanned Array radar system. This advanced radar technology offers superior surveillance capabilities, making the E-7A an invaluable asset for NATO’s air battle management and moving target indicator operations.

In addition to its advanced radar system, the E-7A Wedgetail is equipped with extensive communication and data-sharing capabilities. These features are essential for effective command-and-control operations, enabling seamless coordination and information exchange among NATO members.

The decision to procure the E-7A Wedgetail aligns with NATO’s strategy to invest in commercially available military platforms that offer economies of scale, commonality, and interoperability. This approach ensures that the alliance’s new AEW&C fleet will be fully integrated with the diverse range of systems used by its member nations.

The first of the six E-7A Wedgetails is expected to be operational by 2031, with potential for the fleet to grow beyond this initial number. This acquisition represents a significant step forward in enhancing NATO’s situational awareness and strategic capabilities in the ever-evolving landscape of global security and defense.

Sources: AirGuide Business,, thedive
