NBAA Releases Guide to Prevent Runway Excursions in Business Jet Operations


The National Business Aviation Association (NBAA) has published a comprehensive guide aimed at assisting business aircraft crews in preventing runway excursions, a significant contributor to accidents in business aviation. Runway excursions, which involve overrunning or veering off runways during takeoff or landing, have been a major safety concern in the industry.

The 25-page document addresses various psychological and physical factors that can lead to runway excursions. It provides insights into how these factors can be effectively managed through training programs and safety management systems.

According to the Flight Safety Foundation (FSF), runway excursions have been identified as the primary cause of accidents in business aviation. FSF reported that between 2017 and 2022, business jets were involved in 79 runway excursions, accounting for nearly 41 percent of accidents in this segment. Tragically, six of these excursions resulted in fatalities, claiming 18 lives.

Noah Yarborough, NBAA’s Manager of Flight Operations, stated, “The runway excursion guide contains a series of practical steps that flight crews and operators can take to improve airport safety in a proactive manner. The guide is also designed to be a reference for a number of factors to consider, along with links to more in-depth reading from industry resources.”

Aside from the loss of life, runway excursions also lead to significant damage to or destruction of aircraft, resulting in costly litigation, damage to the reputation of operators and pilots, and substantial increases in insurance premiums. The NBAA’s guide aims to reduce the occurrence of these incidents and enhance safety within the business aviation sector.

Sources: AirGuide Business,,
