NCAA Confirms Nigerian Airspace Safety Amid Radar Coverage Concerns


The Nigeria Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) has reassured the public that Nigerian airspace remains safe and secure, responding to recent concerns highlighted by online publications regarding inadequate radar coverage.

In a detailed press statement, the Acting Director-General, Capt. Chris Najomo, emphasized the comprehensive radar coverage provided across Nigeria, supported by a statement from the Nigerian Airspace Management Agency (NAMA). He clarified recent airspace safety queries by explaining, “The NCAA has thoroughly investigated two recent incidents where aircraft inadvertently entered prohibited zones in Abuja due to adverse weather conditions. Both were controlled flights within controlled airspace.”

Najomo confirmed that NAMA had complete radar records of these incidents, including detailed information about the aircraft and their operators. This level of surveillance was achievable thanks to the functional primary and secondary surveillance radars located in Abuja, with additional installations in Kano, Lagos, and Port Harcourt ensuring extensive national coverage.

Furthermore, the NCAA announced plans to enhance radar capabilities further with the addition of five more Monopulse Secondary Surveillance Radar (MSSR) stations located in Obubbra, Ilorin, Talata Mafara, Maiduguri, and Numan. These new installations aim to complement the four existing radar centers to ensure total coverage and heightened security across all of Nigeria’s airspace.

This commitment to maintaining and upgrading aviation infrastructure demonstrates Nigeria’s dedication to ensuring the safety of its skies for all operators and passengers.

Sources: AirGuide Business
