New system for scaring birds at Sochi airport


Sochi International Airport launched an innovative system for repelling birds Universal-Acoustic, which will protect aircraft from the threat of collision with birds.

The bioacoustic system was developed by “Dva Kryla” company, with the participation of specialists from the Branch Group of Aviation Ornithology and the Laboratory of Ecology and Bird Behavior Management of the Russian Academy of Sciences. The project was created taking into account the advantages and disadvantages of all similar devices produced in the world.

Working on the system, the specialists took into account the advantages and disadvantages of all similar devices that were previously produced and are currently being produced in the world. The project uses high technologies, the most advanced innovative ideas, and more than 50 years of experience in the application of the bioacoustic method of repelling birds, accumulated by the world aviation and the best ornithologists.

An important advantage of Universal Acoustics that it was developed specifically for the specific conditions of airports in the CIS countries. On a range of characteristics, the system surpasses all available analogs. The kit includes five stationary installations “Universal Acoustic aero-2S”, placed on the territory of the airport near the runway, and one mobile installation “Universal Acoustic AERO-M4”.

Universal-Acoustic has high power and a long-range, equal to 800 meters from the sound source AERO-2S. The high intensity of the deterrent effect will allow you to drive birds not only from the runway but also on the approaches to it, thereby reducing the probability of a collision in cases where it is highest.

It should be noted that the arsenal of ornithologists at Sochi Airport has a large number of tools to ensure the safety of aircraft from collisions with birds. In their work, they use bioacoustic devices, propane guns-shot simulators, bird nets, mechanical mirror repellers, laser repeller “Avian Dissuader BDL-532”, vinyl balls with imitation of the eyes of a bird of prey, optical gel for repelling birds “PCS gel”, mobile bioacoustic equipment Aero-M4 and stationary bioacoustic equipment Aero-2C.

This year, the airport additionally purchased the Pulsar Helion XP50 thermal imaging monocular, which allows observing birds and jackals in the daytime and at night. Up to 1800 meters away.

– Despite the pandemic, the passenger traffic at Sochi airport remains at the level of last year and grows during the seasonal period compared to last year. In our development, we make every effort to ensure flight safety and try to minimize the risks of possible dangerous situations, including those related to external factors. The new bioacoustic system will provide the highest possible safety against aircraft collisions with birds, – said Sergey Filippov, Managing Director of Sochi International Airport.
