Nigerian start-up Cardinal Airlines in certification drive


Nigerian start-up, Cardinal Airlines Limited, is reportedly going through the Air Operator’s Certificate (AOC) process with the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) with plans to commence domestic operations from Abuja by the end of the third quarter of 2021.

The company has applied to use Embraer jets and Avions de Transport Régional turboprops due to their cost effectiveness on domestic and regional routes, according to local media.

Its application for an air transport licence (ATL) is at an advanced stage, the reports said. The NCAA was not immediately available for comment.

Cardinal Airlines founder and chairman Alhaji Masud Bashir, who has a background in real estate, reportedly launched the venture to bring more affordable airfares to Nigerians. The airline will have its operational base in Abuja but will operate to all airports across the country, he disclosed, adding that he plans to take off with four aircraft and later increase the fleet as operations progress.
