Norwegian reports its traffic report for August 2022


Norwegian has released its traffic report for August. The airline utilized an average of 69 aircraft in August, representing its entire all-Boeing 737 fleet, and hit a load factor of 85.5% and operated almost all of its scheduled flights.

Norwegian managed a net profit over the last financial quarter and transported almost two million passengers in August, up 153% compared to last year.

Geir Karlsen, CEO of Norwegian, said, “August marks the end of summer and the month marked another strong performance for Norwegian. We operated our planned programme and flew close to all scheduled flights. We are particularly happy that bookings into autumn are encouraging and that business travellers are returning.”

According to, Norwegian has a fleet of 69 Boeing 737 aircraft – 67 Boeing 737-800s and two Boeing 737 MAX 8s. This is down from 70 aircraft operated in July after the carrier returned a leased Boeing 737-8 MAX. The carrier’s relatively youthful fleet has an average age of less than nine years and is in the process of welcoming 50 new Boeing 737 MAX aircraft by 2028.

The airline carried 1,996,211 passengers in August, a significant 153% increase from 790,220 in August 2021, although down from 2,206,424 served in July. Norwegian’s capacity (ASK) for the month was 2,998 million seat kilometers, while actual passenger traffic (RPK) was 2,563 million seat kilometers.

Load factor was at 85.5%, up from 73% for the same month last year. Norwegian has maintained an 81.5% load factor over the past 12 months, a lot better than 62.4% between August 2020 and August 2021.

Norwegian managed to operate 99.7% of its scheduled flights over August during a period of significant travel chaos. With airports across Europe suffering from staff shortages, Norwegian has done well to fulfill almost all of its schedule.

Geir Karlsen added, “The congestion at European airports has begun to improve, which is positive for our operations but also, importantly, to the travel experience of our customers. It is uplifting for the industry in general that we are continuing to return to normal operations after these extraordinary years for aviation.”

Punctuality didn’t quite keep up over the month, with 63% of flights departing on time. This is down from 91.9% in August 2021, although matters outside of Norwegian’s hands have played a huge role in this. &
