NYC College Student Sentenced to One Year in Dubai Prison for Airport Security Incident


Elizabeth Polanco De Los Santos, a college student from New York City, has received a one-year prison sentence in Dubai for an incident involving an airport security guard’s arm. This situation has raised concerns about its fairness and potential consequences for her education and future. Here are some key details regarding this case:

Elizabeth’s ordeal began on July 14, as she and a friend were returning to New York from a vacation in Istanbul. Originally, they had planned to connect through Paris for their journey home but opted to change their flight to have a layover in Dubai to explore the city during a 10-hour stopover.

During the security check at Dubai airport, airport staff requested that Los Santos remove a waist compressor she was required to wear following recent surgery. She was taken to a private booth, where female staff members removed the compressor. Los Santos’s mother reported that they were rough and caused discomfort to her daughter’s healing surgical scars. Furthermore, they allegedly laughed at her, and when she requested assistance in putting the complicated garment back on, they declined.

In a moment of distress, Los Santos leaned past a security guard who was blocking her path and called out for her friend to help her. She stated that she gently touched the guard’s arm to guide her out of the way and then began crying out for assistance. Following this incident, Los Santos was detained in a room for several hours as the security guard she had touched filed a complaint against her. She was not allowed to leave until she signed a form written in Arabic.

While awaiting trial, Los Santos was prohibited from leaving the country and had to cover expenses for accommodations and legal fees. Consequently, she missed the start of her semester at Lehman College, where she is studying psychology and sociology. Additionally, she suffered from anxiety and depression due to the distressing experience.

On October 2, a Dubai court sentenced Los Santos to one year in prison for “assaulting and insulting” the security guard. She was also fined 10,000 dirhams (approximately $2,700) for “insulting” another female officer who searched her.

Detained in Dubai, an advocacy group that assists foreigners facing legal issues in the UAE, criticized Los Santos’ sentence as “extreme” and “disproportionate” to the alleged offense. They mentioned that there might be a possibility for Los Santos to book a flight out of the country despite the sentence, although it is not guaranteed.

Sources: AirGuide Business,,
