OneWeb releases findings from its first Connected Passenger Report


OneWeb launch. Photo Credit ESA-CNES-ARIANESPACE Optique Video du CSG

Space-based communications company OneWeb has released initial findings from its first OneWeb Connected Passenger Report.

The report is an extensive survey of passenger attitudes toward air travel and in-flight connectivity (IFC) following the pandemic. OneWeb partnered with TAG Research to collect both qualitative and quantitative data and the qualitative sample was collected in 27 individual hour-long interviews with frequent flyers across five key groups that included corporate travel bookers, digital nomads, travel bloggers and young frequent flyers.

According to OneWeb, the findings of the research clearly indicate a frustration with current connectivity solutions and provide a clear vision of what passengers really want from airlines post-COVID. Post-pandemic, passengers prioritise quality of life more than ever before, with frequent travel said to be disruptive to their physical and emotional well-being. OneWeb says current IFC services add to the stresses of both business and leisure travel and leisure passengers alike.

Ben Griffin, VP Mobility at OneWeb, said: “OneWeb is proud to share the results of this survey with our colleagues across the industry as we work together to better understand and address the needs and demands of modern air passengers. The Connected Passenger Report sheds light on the shifting sentiment of passengers who are demanding better and more consistent connectivity while also prioritising well-being and sustainability more than ever before. These insights are incredibly important as we look to build solutions and in-flight experiences that cater to the digitally demanding and socially conscious passengers of tomorrow.”

Seven out of 10 respondents claim they’ve never tried in-flight Wi-Fi according to the report, citing perceived unreliability, cost and pre-established coping mechanisms as their reason for not connecting. But of those who have, 43% called the experience frustrating.

Passengers are generally reluctant to abandon their coping mechanisms and continue to dedicate a significant amount of time and effort to preparing for disconnection during the flight.

Commenting on the results, Ben Griffin said: “Despite the significant investment airlines are making in their IFC offering, it is clear the current in-flight connectivity experience is not consistently delivering on the needs of today’s connected passenger, with a majority of passengers not even taking the time to connect. The flying public have spoken, and these results underscore a huge opportunity for airlines to improve their passengers experience and loyalty by enhancing their IFC”.

More than half (56%) of passengers said they would use better Wi-Fi to access entertainment of their choice, while 48% said they would feel happier keeping in touch with people on the ground and 41% commented that they’d like to keep on top of work while flying.

Rachel Orgueil, Partner at TAG Research said: “Our hypothesis at the outset of this project was that improved connectivity would be broadly welcomed by passengers and enhance their in-flight experience. Our research revealed the benefits of IFC are far more compelling and extensive, with the potential to positively impact the entire travel experience and passengers’ well-being. There is every indication that airlines will need to provide high quality IFC as a standardised part of their offer once it is available.”

OneWeb says it will delve deeper into the data in the coming weeks and share additional insights with the aviation sector.
