Osaka Airport Opens New Restroom for Dogs


Osaka International Airport in Japan is going to the dogs.

In a good way.

The facility will christen a brand new airport bathroom on Thursday, Feb. 13, and it’s ultra-exclusive. It’s only for dogs.
Japan’s first airport bathroom for canines includes a shower area as well as a self-cleaning ‘pee-pole.’

Now, don’t laugh. There is a very valid method behind the madness.

The thinking by airport officials is that dogs on board as a service animal or put in the cargo hold to travel will be able to relieve themselves prior to takeoff.

Other Japanese airports like Tokyo’s Narita have indoor areas for service dogs, but ITAMI has taken the concept one step further for both service animals and pets alike.

“We envisioned these dog-toilets would be used before service dogs get on the flight with their owners,” Kei Ogata, a spokeswoman from Kansai airport, tells CNN Travel.

In addition to the toilets, dogs can stretch their paws in an adjacent space while their owners relax on benches. There is also an additional facility inside for canines who are service dogs.

Whether it becomes a trend or not at other airports remains to be seen, but one thing of note if you fly out of Osaka is that this facility is strictly for pets with four paws who can bark.

That’s right, it’s a dog-only restroom so you can’t bring your support pig, lizard, snake or any other animal.
