Pan Am Returns to the Skies in 2025 for a Special Transatlantic Journey


Pan American World Airways, a name that once defined the golden age of air travel as a private jet service, is set to grace the skies once again in 2025 with a special commemorative flight. Known for its luxurious service, Pan Am ceased operations in 1991 but remains a symbol of a bygone era of glamorous travel.

In June 2025, Pan Am Brands, the holder of the airline’s licensing rights, will launch a unique 12-day transatlantic journey. This exclusive trip, dubbed “Tracing the Transatlantic,” will depart from New York City and include stops in significant locations such as Bermuda, Lisbon, Marseille, London, and Foynes, Ireland—destinations that hold historical significance to Pan Am’s pioneering routes. The adventure comes with a premium price tag of $59,950 per person, reflecting the luxury and exclusivity of the experience.

This week also marks the celebration of Bastille Day in France, with nationwide festivities including parties and fireworks. Additionally, the travel spotlight shines on Tacoma, Washington, recognized as a top travel destination for its rich history and natural beauty.

As Europe navigates the challenges of overtourism, with locales like Barcelona and Lauterbrunnen implementing measures to manage tourist influx, the allure of remote travel like that offered by Pan Am’s revival flight becomes even more appealing for those seeking a unique and less crowded travel experience.
