Passenger Arrested for Exiting Jetstar Plane and Walking on Wing at Melbourne Airport


A startling incident unfolded at Melbourne Airport when a passenger was arrested after exiting a Jetstar flight via the emergency door, walking along the wing, and descending to the tarmac using a jet engine. The flight, JQ507, had just arrived from Sydney and was stationary at the terminal gate when the dramatic events took place.

Officials reported that the man left the aircraft through the right-side exit which automatically deployed an emergency slide. However, the man did not use the slide but instead chose to walk across the wing and climb down one of the Airbus A320’s engines. This unusual exit strategy caused panic among passengers, with some screaming as the man began his erratic descent.

Audrey Varghese, a passenger on the flight, recounted the tense moments on Melbourne Radio 3AW. She described how the man exhibited strange behavior as the plane was coming to a stop, abruptly getting up, pushing past other passengers, and forcefully opening the emergency door.

Another passenger, Maddison, told Nine News that the man had been vaping during the flight, which is prohibited, and had aggressively demanded alcohol from the air crew, who did not comply with his request. This behavior prompted Jetstar staff to alert the Australian Federal Police, who were ready to apprehend the man upon his unconventional exit.

The man was quickly detained by ground crew and police on the tarmac, where he was restrained by at least three staff members, as shown in social media images. Following his arrest, he was assessed by paramedics and taken to a hospital for further evaluation.

Melbourne Airport praised the swift response of the ground crew and stated, “Melbourne Airport is proud of the exceptional response from ground crew, which meant there was no immediate danger to other passengers or airport staff.” The incident, while causing no immediate harm, did lead to a delay in luggage unloading due to the deployed emergency slide, inconveniencing passengers further.

Australian Federal Police continue to investigate the incident, and charges related to aggressive behavior and breaching aircraft safety protocols are expected to be filed. The bizarre and disruptive actions of the passenger not only led to his arrest but also highlighted the quick actions of the crew and ground staff in managing the situation safely and efficiently.

Sources: AirGuide Business
