Passenger Forced to Purchase All Nut Packets on Eurowings Flight Due to Severe Allergic Reaction


Eurowings Airbus A321

In a recent incident aboard a Eurowings flight, a passenger took an unexpected step to safeguard her health. The individual, a patron of the budget airline, found herself compelled to buy out the entire stock of nut packets available on her flight due to concerns over a severe allergic reaction.

The passenger, identified as Leah Williams, 27, recounted her experience to the Mirror. Williams had sought the cooperation of the Eurowings flight attendants to announce her severe nut allergy to fellow passengers and kindly request refraining from consuming nuts during the flight. However, her plea went unheeded by the crew, leaving her with limited options.

Faced with potential health risks and the absence of proactive action from the airline staff, Williams chose to take matters into her own hands. She made the decision to spend $184 to purchase all 48 packets of nuts available on the flight, effectively preventing anyone from consuming them.

Williams expressed her frustration, recounting the interaction with the flight stewards. “The stewards looked at me blankly like I was crazy and said, ‘But there is a lot, we’ll have to count them all.’ I said, ‘Please do count them, and I will pay for them all, seeing as you have left me with no choice,’” Williams explained.

The incident occurred during a flight from London to Dusseldorf. Williams is now seeking a refund from Eurowings and has criticized the airline’s handling of the situation. She believes that Eurowings should feel a sense of shame regarding their management of the incident.

In response, Eurowings clarified their stance on the matter. The airline indicated that they are unable to ensure a completely nut-free environment on their flights due to their policy of allowing passengers to bring their own food onboard. However, they emphasized that their cabin crew members are trained in medical procedures and equipped with necessary medication to respond to emergency situations, such as allergic shocks.

A spokesperson for Eurowings stated, “Our medically trained cabin crew always has access to medication to provide emergency care in the event of an allergic shock.” Despite the airline’s explanation, the incident raises concerns about how airlines handle severe allergies and the measures they take to accommodate passengers with such health conditions.
