Passenger Sues Delta for $1 Million Claiming Injury from Collapsed Armrest


In a startling incident onboard a Delta Air Lines flight, passenger Joseph Hippensteel is suing the airline for $1 million. The complaint stems from an event where Hippensteel alleges he suffered a rib fracture due to a malfunctioning armrest. This unfortunate accident occurred as he was preparing for a flight from San Diego to Seattle in 2022.

According to the lawsuit filed in May, the issue arose while Hippensteel was securing his seatbelt in the aisle seat. As he leaned on the armrest for support, it gave way, causing him to fall into the aisle and sustain injuries. His condition was serious enough to require immediate attention from a flight attendant and a doctor present on the flight.

Despite the efforts of two repairmen who were summoned, the armrest could not be fixed, and the plane proceeded to take off with the armrest still inoperative. The filing does not clarify whether Hippensteel continued with his journey post-incident or chose to deplane.

Legal representatives for Hippensteel are leveraging the Montreal Convention in their argument, which holds airlines accountable for passenger injuries occurring on board, barring cases of proven passenger negligence. Interestingly, while the convention typically covers international travel, this particular flight was part of a longer itinerary extending to London, thus bringing the incident under its purview.

While the Montreal Convention caps compensation at approximately $170,000, the lawsuit ambitiously seeks $1 million, accusing Delta of negligence in maintaining the aircraft’s interior.

As of now, Delta has not provided comments on the matter, as inquiries from media were made outside of regular business hours in the US.

Cases involving passenger injuries, such as Hippensteel’s, are not isolated, with similar incidents being reported in the past, including a child scalded by a hot meal on a United Airlines flight. These incidents often highlight the broader issues of airline safety and the adequacy of current regulations to protect passengers.

Sources: AirGuide Business,,
