Passenger Uses Airport Map Screen to Play Video Games Before Flight


Waiting at the airport can be frustrating, but one traveler in Oregon decided to use a screen showing a map of the facility to plug in his video game console.

According to The Associated Press, the unnamed passenger was waiting for his flight at Portland International Airport when he saw a monitor programmed to display a map of the surrounding terminals.

Instead of finding where he was on the map, the man plugged in his PlayStation 4 and began playing his game. Eventually, a Port of Portland representative saw the traveler gaming on the map screen and asked him to stop immediately.

Port of Portland spokeswoman Kara Simonds said the man asked officials if he could at least finish his game, but he was told he had to stop playing right away. The passenger was very respectful to authorities, and the situation was resolved peacefully.

“Apparently, it was a very polite and cordial interaction,” Simonds told The AP. She also said the incident was a “good reminder of what not to do at the airport.”

In another wild incident at a Florida airport last week, a woman apparently couldn’t handle the stress of flying and stripped down completely naked while walking through the facility.
