Passengers can pass a test for coronavirus at the airport of Krasnodar


Krasnodar International Airport launched a specialized route laboratory Medservice.  The project was implemented jointly with the federal network of independent clinical and diagnostic laboratories. Now, any passenger arriving in the city can take a PCR test to detect COVID-19 right on the territory of the airport. The result is received by e-mail within three days. If necessary, the letter will be translated into a foreign language.

The installation of a route laboratory on the territory of the air harbor was especially relevant on the eve of the New Year holidays. Passenger traffic increased due to guests planning to spend the weekend in sanatoriums and resorts of the Krasnodar Region.

White bus of the mobile laboratory located on the forecourt of the Krasnodar airport before leaving the arrival area in Terminal 1. The cost of a PCR test is 2000 rubles.

Recall that foreign citizens arriving in the Russian Federation must provide the results of a COVID-19 test at the Russian border or pass the same test in Russia three days after arrival.

The PCR (Polymerase chain reaction) method is highly sensitive and allows you to determine the presence of RNA of the causative agent of the disease. Laboratory diagnostic methods that allow determining the RNA of the new coronavirus CAVID-19 (including PCR) are the only reliable methods of confirming/denying the disease, officially approved in Russia.

Recall that on the territory of the Krasnodar Territory until January 29 remains the high alert mode. In the terminal of airport, there are daily joint raids by police officers, aviation security services and Cossacks in order to observe social distance and wear personal protective equipment.

Krasnodar Airport adheres to the increased safety requirements. On the territory of the airport are located automatic hand sanitizers and vending machines, which sell masks, antiseptics, gloves. Thermal imagers at the entrance automatically measure the temperature of the passengers during the inspection at the terminal.
