Pet-Friendly Tourism is Growing in Mexico


Pet travel

The pet-friendly segment contributes to the development of tourism activity and economic spillover in Mexico, given that official data shows the existence of 80 million pets, of which 43.8 million are dogs.

According to the National Welfare Survey of Mexico’s National Institute of Statistics & Geography (INEGI by its acronym in Spanish), there are 25 million households with pets, that is, 69.8 percent of the total, of which 43.8 million (54.8 percent are canines).

The increasingly important role of pets in our societies and our lives has a direct impact on the development of tourism activity and economic spillover through the so-called “Pet Friendly” segment.

Last week, Mexico’s secretary of Tourism, Miguel Torruco Marqués, inaugurated the 1st. World Congress of Dogs’ Welfare and Health, organized by the Mexican Canine Federation (FCM), where he said that services related to the Pet-Friendly segment have increased, allowing visitors to stay at hotels or eat in restaurants accompanied by their dogs.

In the case of lodging centers, Pet-Friendly rooms have designated “beds” for them and containers with food. Likewise, for these animals, various activities have been designed on the beach or pool, as well as spa services, aesthetics, and accessory stores.

On the other hand, airlines allow passengers to travel with their pets in the cabin as long as specific requirements are met so as not to affect the safety, tranquility, and comfort of other travelers; In the case of restaurants, some of them receive these canines amicably in their facilities offering even a special menu for them, even to celebrate their birthdays.

The secretary of Tourism pointed out that the activities around dogs have increased. An example is an event of national and international stature, such as the World Congress of Dogs’ Welfare and Health.

Actually, Mexico has hosted several editions of the “World Canine Exhibition,” the “International Congress of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics,” and the “Intercontinental Canine Expo.”

José Luis Payró Dueñas, president of the FCM, said that the World Congress of Dogs’ Welfare and Health brought together delegates from 30 countries on four continents, in which world-renowned veterinarians and professionals in animal welfare stand out. He also noted that they will consider the invitation to participate in the Tianguis Turístico México 2023.
