Piedmont Airlines expands its use of ARCOS


ARCOS has signed an agreement with Piedmont Airlines to expand its use of ARCOS RosterApps shift management suite, including a time-keeping solution for the airline’s mechanics and back-office workers.

The airline, a wholly-owned subsidiary of American Airlines Group (AAG) has been using the ARCOS RosterApps SaaS suite since 2011 to help ground staff automate and centralise the management of work schedules. By expanding the contract, Piedmont will automate shift-bidding and work schedules for its maintenance group and administrative staff in the same way. With newly added time and attendance capabilities in the solution, Piedmont will also integrate the ARCOS solution with Workday, the maker of Piedmont’s payroll system.

“We began using ARCOS RosterApps nearly 10 years ago to automate shift trades and schedule work, which had always been an administrative burden managed with pen and paper,” said Brian Wemple, director of Planning and Support for Piedmont. “As we used the software, we understood its functionality could be beneficial in other ways, for other work groups. The ARCOS suite will enhance the way we create pay records to send to our payroll system for accurate, efficient payroll tracking.”

After learning that its previous time and attendance solution provider would discontinue support for their product, Piedmont began a search for a new solution, particularly looking for reliability, or uptime, as well as ease-of-use for employees – opting for ARCOS RosterApps.

Once implemented, the airline’s employees will be able to manage schedules and time and attendance data via ARCOS RosterApps from a company computer at their respective station or on a handheld device.

“A key to improving flight operations is getting planes back in the air efficiently; air carriers can improve efficiency with centralized, automated shift management,” said John Brant, managing director of RosterApps Projects for ARCOS. “Automating shift management frees up Piedmont supervisors to analyze schedules, so they can quickly place the right workers, with the right skills when and where needed.”
