Pilot union opposes alerting system exemption for Boeing 737 MAX 7 and MAX 10


Boeing 737 MAX 7

The Allied Pilots Association (APA), the labor union representing around 15,000 American Airlines (A1G) (AAL) pilots, has said it opposes an effort in Congress to extend an exemption from flight crew alerting system requirements for two Boeing 737 MAX models, the MAX 7 and the MAX 10.

Boeing is currently facing a December deadline to win approval from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) for the 737 MAX 7 and 737 MAX 10 aircraft. If the manufacturer fails to meet the deadline and no additional extension is provided, it will need to equip both variants with a modernized flight crew alerting system to meet additional safety requirements as per the new Aircraft Certification, Safety and Accountability Act (ACSAA), which will be implemented on January 1, 2023.
