Political Storm Brews Over Uganda Airlines Investigation


Uganda Airlines, the state-owned carrier based at Entebbe, has once again been thrust into the center of a political showdown in Kampala. Opposition leader Joel Ssenyonyi has leveled serious accusations against parliamentary speaker Anita Annet Among, criticizing her for allegedly mishandling the 2022 investigations into the airline’s operations.

In a detailed probe carried out by the Ugandan parliament’s Committee on Commissions, Statutory Authorities, and State Enterprises (COSASE) between August and September 2022, significant financial and operational discrepancies were uncovered at Uganda Airlines. However, the drama unfolded when the findings were presented in January 2023. Speaker Among halted the scheduled debate, citing a prior media leak, and chose to proceed with a more tempered evaluation from the Auditor General instead.

Ssenyonyi, who chairs COSASE, has publicly disputed Among’s decision-making. On August 22, 2022, he received a letter from Among instructing the committee to conduct its inquiries behind closed doors due to the “sensitivity of the matters under consideration” and potential impact on Uganda Airlines. Contrary to this directive, Ssenyonyi advocated for transparency, arguing that the public had a right to be informed, especially given the airline’s corruption issues were already being investigated openly with media presence.

Adding to the controversy, Ssenyonyi disclosed that Among had met with Uganda Airlines CEO Jenifer Bamuturaki during the investigation, a move he found inappropriate. He accuses the speaker of obstructing justice by delaying the report’s discussion in parliament, despite it being accessible to all 529 members of parliament. Ssenyonyi emphasized that even if the report had leaked, it does not preclude parliament from debating it, as the investigations were conducted publicly.

The political implications of this saga are significant, as Among is among several Ugandan politicians currently facing sanctions from both the United Kingdom and the United States. These sanctions, which include travel bans and asset freezes, were imposed after allegations of corruption related to misappropriation of funds from a government housing project intended for the impoverished.

This ongoing dispute underscores deep-rooted issues within Uganda Airlines and reflects broader concerns about transparency and corruption in Ugandan political circles.

Sources: AirGuide Business airguide.info, bing.com, ch-aviation.com
