Ponant Announces Comprehensive COVID-19 Protocols


Luxury expedition cruise line Ponant revealed new safety protocols to stem the spread of COVID-19. The company tentatively plans to start operations again in early July.

Ponant is collaborating with Méditerranée Infection of Marseille, a leading center in the field of infectious diseases, as well as with the Battalion of Marine Firemen of Marseille. Ponant also has applied for Bureau Veritas Safeguard status, a label that certifies the efficacy of the health protocols. The updated guidelines developed by Ponant are based on health standards that exceed international regulations.

In addition to strict cleaning procedures advised by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO), implementation of social distancing requirements and enhanced employee training, Ponant’s new measures include the following.
Prior to boarding, all guests and crew members will have to present a signed doctor’s medical form, complete a health questionnaire and undergo a health check and screening by the ship’s medical staff.

All luggage will pass through a disinfecting zone by sanitizing mist or UV lamps.

Surgical and cloth masks, disinfecting wipes and hand sanitizer bottles will be provided to passengers.

100 percent fresh air in staterooms, through non-recirculating air conditioning systems. Ventilated air will be renewed in the common areas at least five times per hour.

Restaurant layouts have been redesigned and will only offer contactless a la carte dining options.

Public spaces, such as the fitness room and theater, will be capped at 50 percent occupancy.

Hourly disinfecting of high-touch points, such as door handles and handrails, with EcoLab peroxide, which eliminates 100 percent of germs and bacteria.

Crew members are required to wear a mask or protective visor when in contact with guests. Guests will be asked to wear a mask in hallway corridors and will be recommended in public spaces.

All ships will have five vacant staterooms should guests need to isolate.

Re-boarding after shore excursions will only be permitted after temperature check and disinfection procedures of individuals and personal belongings.

Ponant ships have complete medical centers with advanced hospital equipment, including mobile laboratory terminals that enable testing on-site for infectious or tropical diseases. Advanced diagnostic equipment—such as ultrasound, radiology and blood biological analysis—is available fleet-wide. One doctor and one nurse are present on every sailing.

To read Ponant’s COVID-19 Safety Protocol manifesto, click here.
