Pratt & Whitney celebrates 40th anniversary of the IAE V2500 engine


Pratt & Whitney is celebrating the 40th anniversary of its International Aero Engines AG (IAE). The IAE, launched in March 1983, developed the fuel efficient V2500 engine that continues to power nearly 3,500 aircraft globally.

IAE is a multinational consortium of shareholders including Pratt & Whitney Aero Engines International GmbH, Japanese Aero Engines Corporation and MTU Aero Engines. One year after IAE was formed, the V2500 was selected for the Airbus A320ceo aircraft family, later entering into service with its launch customer Adria Airlines in 1989. Now, the engine delivers efficient power and performance for approximately 150 commercial, cargo and military operators across 80 countries.

“The V2500 is a workhorse of the aviation industry and has grown into one of the most successful commercial aerospace programmes of all time,” said Earl Exum, President, IAE and Vice President Mature Commercial Engines, Pratt & Whitney. “The V2500 wouldn’t be the triumph it is without our IAE collaborators, customers and suppliers.

“With the IAE collaboration agreement extension to 2045 and a substantial fleet of V2500s in service today, this joint venture has secured its standing as a global aviation leader for decades to come,” added Exum.

IAE has released multiple engine enhancements between 1993 and 2011, including the A5, D5, SelectOne, SelectTwo and E5 variants, with enhancements offering reliability, fuel, noise and other performance benefits.

The V2500 also more recently powered the first A321 and A320 passenger-to-freighter conversions, with more to enter service in the coming years.

“The V2500 has long powered Airbus aircraft,” said Phillippe Mhun, Executive Vice President Programmes and Services, Airbus. “The engines reliably transport millions of passengers each year. We extend our congratulations to IAE and the party companies for 40 years of dedicated service to the V2500 and the aircraft that it powers.”
