Public Donates More Than $100K To Harassed Hotel Worker


A video that went viral of a hotel worker suffering a nervous breakdown after being harassed by a guest has resulted in more than $100,000 in donations to the young man.

The front desk worker at a Holiday Inn Express hit himself several times and then banged his head into a computer monitor when a man was apparently disputing something regarding his reservation.

Most people saw the incident on Twitter when it was shared by a journalist identified as Tariq Nasheed, an online personality who bills himself as the “world’s #1 Race Baiter” in his Twitter bio, adding, “I bait racists & expose them.” Nasheed said in subsequent tweets that he was not the man harassing the hotel worker.

Be forewarned, the video is difficult to watch.

After Nasheed shared the video, a YouTube producer named Jeremy Hambly tweeted and wrote, “I’ll just focus on this poor hotel worker & making his day. I started a fundraiser. Let’s Go!”

The GoFundMe page has raised more than $130,000 as of this morning for the worker, identified as “Caleb C.”

Caleb put a comment of thanks up on the page, and said he did quit his position over the incident with the support of his management, which said it would take him back whenever he is ready to come back to work.
