RCCL Chairman Fain Offers Assurances in New Video


Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. Chairman and CEO Richard Fain released his third video to assure travel advisors and the industry that this situation will pass.

Fain said he shot the 5-minute video with his iPhone on a tripod while working from home. He acknowledged that the situation was “truly serious” and that travel agents are worried about their businesses.

“It’s just unimaginably difficult today, and we know it,” he said. “We also came to work in January ready for a truly gangbuster year. And look where we are today. But even against a very serious backdrop, the work goes on here at Royal Caribbean. This is our second week working from home since we closed our offices.”

The first order of business is keeping employees and guests safe and healthy, he said.

“But you should also know that we’re putting just as much effort and just as much focus into making sure that from the day we begin sailing again—and it won’t be that long before we do—we’re able to offer our guests safe, healthy and enjoyable cruises from Day One.”

Better days are ahead, Fain said.

“Weeks of social distancing are creating the need for togetherness. Making memories and great vacations will be in huge demand when the current situation passes,” he said. “We have teams planning our return to market as we speak, and we also have teams studying to make sure that our health and sanitation procedures are best in class.”

When pent-up demand surges, people will need the facts and expertise travel agents provide, he said, urging advisors to prepare. “Better days may seem far away right now but they’re coming sooner than you think, and we look forward to getting back alongside you as we build our business back together,” he concluded. “Thanks everyone and wash your hands.”
