Rolls-Royce Secures Contract for Next-Generation 747 “Doomsday” E-4 Plane Technology


Rolls-Royce, a global leader in aerospace and automotive technology, has announced its success in winning a contract to provide crucial technology for the next-generation version of the US Air Force’s nuclear-resistant aircraft, known as the ‘doomsday plane’.

These aircraft, part of the Survivable Airborne Operations Center (SAOC) project led by Sierra Nevada Corporation, are designed to withstand nuclear blasts and electromagnetic pulses. Equipped with mobile command centers, conference rooms, and other essential facilities, they serve as critical assets during national emergencies.

The E-4B planes, as they are called, play a vital role in crisis scenarios, offering a mobile command center capable of seamlessly taking over operations in the event of destroyed ground facilities. With a seating capacity of approximately 111 people, including top government officials like the US President and key military leaders, these aircraft serve as a lifeline for communication and coordination during crises.

The SAOC project aims to modernize and enhance the capabilities of these aircraft, ensuring they remain effective in safeguarding national security. Rolls-Royce’s involvement underscores its commitment to providing cutting-edge technology to support military operations worldwide.

Adam Riddle, a senior executive at Rolls-Royce, emphasized the company’s dedication to powering military missions with reliable technologies. He expressed pride in collaborating with Sierra Nevada Corporation and the SAOC team to bolster national security efforts.

Jon Piatt, a senior executive at Sierra Nevada Corporation, echoed the sentiment, highlighting Rolls-Royce’s expertise as a valuable asset in maintaining strategic superiority.

In addition to its involvement in the SAOC project, Rolls-Royce recently embarked on mini nuclear reactor testing in Sheffield, underscoring its commitment to advancing nuclear technology and security.

As the SAOC project progresses, with completion expected by 2036, Rolls-Royce’s contributions will play a crucial role in ensuring the readiness and effectiveness of these vital aircraft in safeguarding national interests.

Sources: AirGuide Business
