Romania Tops the List of Europe’s Most Dangerous Countries for Drivers


A recent study has shed light on the risks travelers face when driving in Europe, revealing that Romania is the continent’s most perilous country for road users. According to data from the European Transport Safety Council, analyzed by, Romania recorded 85.81 road deaths per million inhabitants in 2022, positioning it at the top of the list for Europe’s most dangerous driving destinations. Despite the grim statistics, it’s noteworthy that Romania has seen a 10.26 percent decrease in road fatalities since 2012, indicating progress toward safer driving conditions.

The study’s findings come at a time when American interest in European travel is surging, with millions choosing to explore the continent by car. For those planning to join the ranks of international visitors in 2024, understanding the landscape of road safety across various European nations is crucial.

Serbia follows closely behind Romania with 82.65 road deaths per million inhabitants, marking a significant improvement from its 2012 figures. Bulgaria, Croatia, and Portugal complete the top five, each with their own high rates of road fatalities but also showing signs of improvement over the past decade.

On the brighter side, the study highlights the safest countries for drivers in Europe. Norway claims the top spot with only 21.38 deaths per million inhabitants, followed by Sweden and the United Kingdom, showcasing their high standards of road safety.

The purpose of this research isn’t to deter travelers from driving in Europe but to encourage awareness and adherence to local driving laws to ensure safety. The diversity in driving conditions across the continent, influenced by factors like road quality and legal frameworks, underscores the importance of being prepared for different driving environments.

M. E.Wijnmalen, CEO of, emphasizes the importance of this knowledge for travelers, especially given Europe’s interconnectedness and the ease of cross-border travel. He advises travelers to equip themselves with essential safety products and to stay informed about the driving conditions of their destinations to mitigate risks on the road.

This study serves as a valuable resource for travelers seeking to navigate Europe’s roads safely, highlighting both the challenges and improvements in road safety across the continent. With careful planning and a mindful approach to local driving laws, travelers can enjoy the rich tapestry of European landscapes from the safety of their vehicles.
