Routes and Low Season Traveller Tackle Tourism Seasonality Challenge


The inaugural Tourism Seasonality Summit is scheduled for October 8, uniting thought-leaders from destinations, airports, and airlines to address the persistent challenge of tourism seasonality and explore sustainable growth strategies beyond peak tourist seasons.

Set against the backdrop of a burgeoning global population and an anticipated increase in the global middle class by 2030, international visitor arrivals could potentially double from 2019 levels of 1.4 billion over the next decade. The World Travel and Tourism Council’s 2024 Economic Impact Report forecasts that the travel and tourism sector will generate over 12.2% of global employment, underscoring the sector’s vital economic role.

The summit, co-located with Routes World, the premier route development forum, will focus on several key areas:

  • Examining the economic, environmental, and social impacts of seasonality on destinations, airports, and airlines.
  • Identifying innovative opportunities to extend tourist seasons by attracting diverse visitor segments.
  • Harnessing new technologies to manage tourism flows and enhance visitor experiences throughout the year.

Steven Small, director of Routes, expressed enthusiasm about the summit, stating, “We are thrilled to announce this groundbreaking summit in partnership with Low Season Traveller. For nearly three decades, Routes has provided a platform for airlines, airports, and destinations to collaborate on sustainable air services. Balancing tourism growth to ensure year-round economic benefits for destinations is a critical challenge.”

Small emphasized the importance of collaboration and knowledge sharing in finding solutions, drawing from his experience working with destinations. He highlighted Routes World as an ideal platform for developing and sharing strategies alongside route development decision-makers.

Ged Brown, Founder and CEO of the Tourism Seasonality Summit and Low Season Traveller, echoed the sentiment, saying, “Partnering with Routes World for the inaugural Tourism Seasonality Summit is a privilege. Low Season Traveller has been at the forefront of extending tourism beyond peak periods for five years. The collaboration between aviation and tourism sectors is essential to addressing this pressing challenge, making Routes World the perfect venue for these discussions.”

The inaugural Tourism Seasonality Summit is slated for October 8 at Routes World in the Kingdom of Bahrain, promising to be a pivotal event for shaping the future of sustainable tourism growth.
