Royal Caribbean Breaks Down How Cruise Line Deals With Positive COVID Cases


Royal Caribbean International President Michael Bayley posted a message on Facebook breaking down how frequently the cruise line experiences positive COVID-19 cases and how each situation is handled.

Bayley reported that each ship sailing for Royal Caribbean boasts a vaccination ate of between 90-97 percent, with the majority of unvaccinated passengers being too young to safely receive the inoculation.

The cruise line’s president revealed that between 2-10 passengers test positive for coronavirus during pre-voyage screenings and are not permitted to board. As for guests already on the ships, there are 1-2 confirmed cases reported on each vessel every week.

When a passenger tests positive for COVID-19, Royal Caribbean quarantines the guest, tests the immediate travel party, conducts contact tracing and transports them home via private jet in the majority of cases.

As for the crew members working the voyages, Bayley reported all employees are fully vaccinated and tested once a week for coronavirus. Around 1-2 crew members test positive each week, with the cruise line immediately following strict quarantine and testing protocols.

The president pointed out the situation remains fluid and there are several factors that have to be ironed out, including Canadian mixed vaccines not being accepted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

In total, Bayley said 13 of 26 ships in the Royal Caribbean fleet have returned to service, including Quantum, Adventure, Freedom, Anthem, Jewel, Serenade, Odyssey and more. Mariner of the Seas is the next vessel slated to return to sailing in August.
