Royal Caribbean CEO Talks Health and Safety Updates


Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. Chairman and CEO Richard Fain delivered a video update for the cruise giant’s travel partners on Thursday, sharing in the industry’s collective frustration over COVID-19 and detailing some of the steps the company is taking to ensure a safe return.

“We know the uncertainty is frustrating you just as it is frustrating us. Many people are suffering in so many ways and we know that includes so many of our travel advisor partners,” said Fain, who was unable to provide a specific timetable for the resumption of cruise operations.

Royal Caribbean recently extended its suspension of operations for its global fleet through July 31, 2020.

“Our operations will start small and carefully but we’ll start as soon as we and the relevant authorities are satisfied that all of the appropriate health processes and procedures are in place,” he added. “To help with that, we’ve established a blue-ribbon panel made up of some of the most knowledgeable and experienced people in the world. These are leading experts in all of the relevant fields, including epidemiology, infectious diseases, public policy and regulation, engineering and general health safety. They really are the best of the best.”

Fain said the company will be revealing more details about the panel in the near future.

“We will raise the bar on all of our health and safety protocols. Our industry has long had some of the highest hygiene and health procedures on planet Earth. But in a COVID-19 world, we need to do even better and we are determined that we will do so,” added Fain.

“When we do return to sailing some changes will be permanent but many others will likely be temporary. I’m simply not going to predict. But science and society will guide us to those answers.”

In the meantime, Fain is encouraging travel advisors to communicate with clients as booking data shows there’s still tremendous demand for cruising. “Work those relationships with your clients. Based on our recent booking activity, many of you are already doing that. We really appreciate that and that’s the best way for all of us to recover.”

The Royal Caribbean CEO concluded the nine-minute video by addressing the ongoing national conversation on race in the wake of several police-involved killings of unarmed African-Americans. “The senseless death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police has forced us all to confront the harsh reality that our country just hasn’t made nearly the progress we thought we had and that we need to have in order to protect the lives and the rights of people of color,” he said.

“We will get past this virus but getting to a place of real change in the fight against racism will be an even longer and more difficult battle and we all need each other’s help.”
