Royal Caribbean Cruise Line Files Patent Application for Safety Masks


As the coronavirus outbreak continues to force cruise lines to cancel sailings, a major cruise line has filed a patent application for its own branded version of a face mask to protect passengers and employees.

According to USA Today, Royal Caribbean recently filed an application with the United States Patent and Trademark Office for a new brand of sanitary facial masks, dubbed Seaface.

The trademark and patent application described the masks as being designed for “virus isolation purposes” and has been accepted by the office. When the case is assigned an examiner, they will oversee the approval of the trademark.

“Given the global public health circumstances, Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. has decided to extend the suspension of sailing of our global fleet through June 11,” a Royal Caribbean spokesperson told USA Today. “We are working with our guests to address this disruption to their vacations and we are genuinely sorry for their inconvenience. We expect to return to service on June 12.”

The spokesperson said if the patent is approved, the company will implement the safety devices on all of its ships across each brand.

After the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued an extension to its no-sail order for the cruise industry, companies such as Royal Caribbean were instructed to develop plans for handling and responding to the viral pandemic.

In addition, Royal Caribbean CEO Richard Fain announced he would take a 100 percent reduction of his $1.1 million salary, but it was unclear if he would refuse the bonuses, non-cash payouts and other income he received when he made around $25 million in 2018.
