Royal Caribbean’s Richard Fain Again Addresses Travel Advisors About Virus


Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. Chairman and CEO Richard Fain released another video designed to encourage and reassure travel advisors during the coronavirus pandemic.

“The goal of this video is to show that everyone here at Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. is here for our valued travel partners and will continue to weather this storm by their side,” Jordyn Katz, manager-trade marketing and sales for Royal Caribbean International, wrote in an email. “Together, we’ll get through this.”

In the almost-four-minute video, Fain speaks with the authority of someone who has experienced tough business challenges before, while injecting a bit of humor and urging travel agents to relax.

“I just want to say one thing. Breathe. Step back, shake a little stress out of your shoulders and breathe,” he said. “All of us in the cruise industry are working as hard as we can to help get us through this difficult.”

He noted that helping clients make decisions on whether or not to travel will help build trust and loyalty.

“What’s the most important thing you can have when this is finally behind us? The trust and confidence of your clients,” Fain said. “Suggesting an older guest with health issues wait to book a cruise until things improve isn’t bad salesmanship. It’s just good, honest advice, and it builds trust.”
