Ryanair Bans Duty-Free Alcohol on Designated Flights


Image: PHOTO: Ryanair is a low-cost airline founded in 1984. (Photo via katatonia82 / iStock Editorial / Getty Images Plus)

It’s a first step.

Or is it a ploy?

Ryanair, Europe’s largest airline, has a bit of a reputation for rowdiness. For some reason, that is especially true on flights back and forth from Spain, particularly in the resort area of Ibiza.

No more.

Ryanair has banned alcohol purchases by passengers in duty-free shops (read: cheap and plentiful) on flights to and from Spain to help curb excess drinking. But some critics think it’s just a ploy to get passengers to buy more alcohol on board the flight. In addition to the rowdiness, Ryanair also has a reputation of making a fortune on ancillary fees. CEO Michael O’Leary someday hoped he could run the entire airline without selling tickets and just making money on ancillary fees. He also once entertained the idea of coin-operated bathrooms.

It’s also unknown whether limiting passengers’ personal alcohol is just a trial run.

Most aviation authorities ban alcohol that is not served by a flight attendant, but the rules are often flouted.

In an emailed statement to passengers, Ryanair said:

“In order to prioritize the comfort and safety of all passengers, Ryanair will implement the following restrictions on your upcoming flight to Spain. Customers will not be allowed to carry alcohol on board and all cabin baggage will be searched at the boarding gates. Any alcohol purchased in airport shops or elsewhere must be packed carefully in a suitable item of cabin baggage, which will be tagged at the gate and then placed in the aircraft hold free of charge if you have purchased priority boarding or have a small piece of hand luggage. If the bag is unsuitable for placing in the hold (e.g. plastic bag) then customers will be required to dispose of the alcohol in the bins provided.”

The ban is for flights from the United Kingdom to such itineraries in Spain as Alicante, Barcelona, Ibiza, Malaga, Palma and Tenerife South.
