Ryanair signs agreement to improve cabin crew working conditions in Spain



Low-cost carrier Ryanair and the Federación de Servicios a la Ciudadanía (Federation of Citizen Services) of the Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) have signed a new agreement to improve wages and working conditions for cabin crew based in Spain.

The Federation of Citizen Services of the CCOO is the largest and most represented union in Spain.

According to a statement published by the union, the agreement included the following:

Significant salary increase, including junior cabin crew.

Regular annual salary increase for three years until April 2025.

More guaranteed fixed salary, instead of variable salary.

New salary structure with salary progression based on years of service.

A fixed schedule of five working days followed by three days off.

The union said that the agreed new schedule of five working days followed by three days off is the “best cabin crew schedule in European aviation”.

“We are pleased to announce this new collective agreement for our Spanish cabin crew with CCCO, the largest and most representative union in the country,” Ryanair people director Darrell Hughes said in a statement.

Hughes added: “We are very proud of the hard work and exceptional service that our cabin crew provide every day in Spain and we are pleased to be able to work with CCOO to achieve these significant improvements in cabin crew wages and conditions that will provide stability and continuous improvement over the next 3 years.”
