Sabre Travel AI TM – Driving innovation and creating differentiation in the travel marketplace


Most people today have experienced AI and ML in their everyday lives in one way or another, from ride-share services, retail and entertainment sites, to household robots and more. Large amounts of data inundate our daily lives, and oftentimes, computer systems are better equipped than humans to process that data quickly and more accurately. Now, travel companies globally have seen measurable results from adopting and embedding this type of intelligence technology alongside their existing tools and applications.

Sabre’s own technology transformation strategy has been focused on developing a powerful common platform that is flexible and open to deliver rich, market-aligned products to meet demands. In 2020, Sabre announced a 10 year strategic innovation partnership with Google Cloud and has since introduced Sabre Travel AI ™–an industry-first Artificial Intelligence (AI)-driven technology platform. Sabre’s partnership with Google Cloud is geared to not only augment this strategy, but simultaneously capture the opportunity that lies in third-generation technology. Sabre Travel AITM will drive business innovation and create true differentiation in the travel marketplace through seamless integration with Sabre’s current applicable products.

AI/ML, defined: Today, IBM defines AI as “the ability of a computer or machine to mimic the capabilities of the human mind – learning from examples and experience, recognising objects, understanding and responding to language, making decisions, solving problems – and combining these and other capabilities to perform functions a human might perform.” Machine learning is a subset of AI and focuses on machines’ ability to receive a set of data, learn for themselves, and change their algorithms as they learn more about the information that they are processing, ultimately allowing them to perform with increasingly greater accuracy.

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