Safran to launch accessible IFE


Safran Passenger Innovations (SPI) has announced its new RAVE OS Accessible Mode, allowing passengers with vision, auditory and motor function difficulties as well as neurodivergent passengers to tailor the system to their preferences.

The system launches with a series of questions so that each passenger can personalise their mode. These configurations include language selection, screen reading function for passengers who are blind or have low vision, filtering to show only content with audio descriptions, theme colour selection and text or image-based navigation to assist passengers with cognitive disabilities. These selections can then be changed at any time.

“As well as our own research, we worked with our customers’ accessibility teams to understand better how passengers with disabilities need to use IFE,” said Eduardo Duran, Director of Software Products, SPI. “The results were surprising, and it really challenged our conventional thinking and ultimately helped us build a more thoughtful product.”

The interface provides simple changes such as large buttons with higher contrast text or icons, large touch areas with minimal steps to launch content, as well as critical functions for assistance such as a cabin attendant call option.

SPI will be showcasing its new RAVE OS Accessible Mode at Aircraft Interiors Expo (AIX) in Hamburg and will be seeking feedback from airlines and disability advocacy groups to make further improvements prior to the initial product launch in 2024.
