SeaDream I Guests and Crew Test Negative for COVID-19


All guests and crew members on board SeaDream I have tested negative for COVID-19 after a passenger on the previous voyage tested positive upon arrival in Denmark.

“Crew members were the first to get tested and all results came back negative,” SeaDream Yacht Club said in a press release. “None of the guests onboard had exhibited any symptoms of COVID-19. However, in an abundance of caution, local health authorities also tested all guests onboard.”

Test results were returned the same day.
After learning of the former guest testing positive, SeaDream suspended the current cruise and the ship headed to Bodø to follow guidelines set by the Norwegian Institute of Public Health (NIPH) and the Norwegian Directorate of Health.

“We would like to thank the National Institute of Public Health and the Norwegian Directorate of Health as well as Bodø Municipality, led by Mayor Ida Maria Pinnerød, for their professionalism in this matter,” said SeaDream’s Andreas Brynestad. “Nordland Hospital has done a fantastic job of testing 86 crew members today and delivering all results already early this afternoon. They have all shown how Norway can respond so quickly and effectively in situations like this.”

The guest with the positive test result showed no COVID-19 symptoms during the voyage. The person traveled home to Denmark from Tromsø on Aug. 2.

According to the advice of NIPH and the Norwegian Directorate of Health, guests and crew were immediately quarantined, except for essential crew members needed to operate the yacht.

SeaDream also began contacting the guests who were onboard the affected voyage. All crew members were quarantined in hotels for 10 days before boarding the yacht.

SeaDream began cruising in Norway on June 20 primarily to Norwegians and residents of neighboring countries.
