Seamless Air Alliance and GSMA announce collaboration


Seamless Air Alliance and GSMA announce collaboration

The Seamless Air Alliance, an organisation leading the development and implementation of Global Standards for in-flight connectivity, and the GSMA, the global organisation unifying the world’s mobile ecosystem, are collaborating to facilitate and accelerate the availability of seamless mobile roaming on board commercial airlines.

The two organisations say this collaboration will enable the co-creation of a scalable roaming framework that is backed by the industry and will bring proper connectivity to the skies above us.

Jack Mandala, CEO of the Seamless Air Alliance commented: “Working with the GSMA positions us in front of over 750 mobile network operators and other service providers, paving the way to open dialogue and cooperation in bringing roaming services to airlines worldwide. The agreement with the GSMA is a ringing validation of our goal to bring seamless connectivity to airlines and their passengers.”

Alex Sinclair, CTO of the GSMA said: “We’ve come a long way since the first SMS was sent in 1992, but even now there is no guarantee that airline passengers can connect with their contacts on the ground during a flight. Our collaboration with the Seamless Air Alliance will facilitate and accelerate agreements between airlines and MNOs around their own route network to improve connectivity.

“We are excited to work with members of the Seamless Air Alliance to bring mobile roaming to the skies and deliver the best possible customer experience for airline passengers.”
