Seamless Air Alliance opens IFC test lab


The Seamless Air Alliance (SAA), an organisation working to develop and implement global standards for inflight connectivity, has announced new developments following its introduction of the Seamless Air Alliance IFC Performance Toolkit.

The main advance is a new research laboratory in California, which has been set up to extend its work on IFC performance measurement. Developed in conjunction with GlobalReach Technology, Riverbed Technology, and Thales Group, the lab is available to all Alliance members who wish to conduct service quality measurements. The SAA also intends to use the lab to develop and validate a hardened set of satisfaction indices in order to better predict IFC service quality.

“We are thrilled to see airlines and service providers working in harmony to deliver next-level connectivity services using the Seamless Air Alliance IFC Toolkit,” said Jack Mandala, CEO of the Seamless Air Alliance.

In other recent SAA news, United Airlines, along with Inmarsat Aviation and Collins Aerospace, have joined the Seamless Air Alliance’s membership base of companies from across the aviation, communications and technology industries.
