Serko Adds Emissions, Offsetting Info to Zeno Booking Tool


For companies that choose to address the carbon emissions associated with corporate travel, communicating information to the traveler at the point of sale has been a key travel management demand. Sydney-based Serko, whose Zeno product launched in 2017 and rolled out in North America in 2018, has incorporated a carbon-offsetting-oriented display in the booking workflow.

Called Mission Zero, the new feature offers comparative emissions calculations associated with different flights as well as among particular cabin choices on a single flight. It additionally offers the option to automate the carbon-offsetting process through a number of environmental programs. The tool also now can be configured to prioritized hybrid vehicles during car rental search.

The new emissions display and offsetting features are powered by local Australia-based Tasman Environmental Markets’ BlueHalo product, which characterizes itself as “an end-to-end climate technology enabling business and consumers to offset their emissions from flights, accommodation, vehicles, cargo and logistics.” The API-driven software integrates into online booking systems, calculates emissions and directs funds to “world-class, impactful environmental projects,” according to TEM’s website. The environmental company was founded in 2014 and also powers the carbon-offsetting feature on Australia-based Qantas’ direct booking site.

Currently, Serko has incorporated only the comparative cabin information and hybrid vehicle prioritization into Zeno. The company said future developments would include all trip elements, from accommodation choices to rental car options, and make comparisons between alternative options, such as rail or car. Serko did not offer a timeline for those developments.

Elizabeth West
