Air China is connecting Athens directly to Shanghai


As of the 22nd of December 2022, Air China is connecting Athens directly to Shanghai, this route being the first ever direct connection between the two cities!

Dear Colleagues, Partners and Friends,

Best Wishes for 2023!

Christmas season brought a very long-awaited “gift” to Athens !! Shanghai.

Prior to the pandemic, China was a highly important market for Athens and developing rapidly. During the record growth period, 2013 to 2019, Chinese market grew by +166%, even faster when compared to Athens International Airport’s total passenger traffic growth by +104%. Shanghai was Athens’ TOP indirect destination not only in the Chinese market, but also in Asia, signaling the need for a direct connection between the two cities.

The Chinese market entered Athens International Airport TOP20 International markets in 2018 and climbed to the 15th position in 2019. In 2019, Chinese travelers grew by 31% vs 2018.

As in the case of Beijing-Athens, where the successful upgrade to a direct service with Air China in 2017 boosted traffic between China and Athens and doubled the market in just 2 years, this new route is expected to further enhance demand and traffic between both cities and countries. Additional opportunities, including other new direct destinations in China, as well as additional services on existing routes, are discussed and evaluated with Chinese airlines, local authorities and Greek Tourism entities, aiming at further enhancing connectivity between the two countries in the post-pandemic era.

Wishing Air China and our colleagues in Shanghai airport, every success in this new development, we remain committed to continue supporting even more, this great “opening” of a new market.
