Skyborne launches DGCA CPL Pilot Programme


Skyborne Airline Academy is launching a DGCA Pilot Programme offering dual US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Indian Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) Commercial Pilots Licences at its new Vero Beach training base in the United States.

Trainees will undergo 272.5 hours of commercial pilot training over 14 months. The programme is split into two phases: the first phase, at Skyborne Airline Academy Vero Beach, Florida, provides training to obtain a US FAA Part 141 Commercial Pilot License (CPL) with Instrument Rating (IR). The second phase enables trainees to take the DCGA-examined flight test to convert their US flying licence to a DGCA CPL with IR. This part of the programme will be completed in India with a recognised Skyborne partner.

Lee Woodward, Chief Executive Officer, Skyborne, says: “Our DGCA CPL programme provides trainees with the qualifications to begin their pilot career in the US or India and the opportunity to learn at our world-leading academy in Vero Beach.

“We have designed every aspect of the course to ensure training is delivered in a professional and airline focused way, giving our trainees the competitive edge over their peers, as they will graduate fully prepared for airline operations.

“We’re also proud to announce we will not be charging a fee for pilot selection, the only DGCA CPL course to offer this initiative. We look forward to welcoming the next generation of pilots to Vero Beach.”
