Skyborne launches educational division SKYWORX


Skyborne Airline Academy is launching SKYWORX, its new educational division created to meet the academic needs of the next generation of airline pilots.

Skyborne’s EASA/UKCAA ATPL Theoretical Knowledge Distance Learning course is the first product offered through SKYWORX, enabling trainees to complete their ATPL ground school remotely at their own pace.

Ian Cooper, Chief Operating Officer, Skyborne, says: “SKYWORX ensures pilot training remains accessible and is delivered in an innovative way, bringing a human touch to remote learning. The Distance Learning platform can be deployed globally which means anyone worldwide can complete EASA/UKCAA Theoretical Knowledge training if they wish.

“Progress is monitored on our Learning Management system, with self-study augmented by live tutor-led sessions from our experienced industry instructors. This combination means trainees receive the best possible start to their commercial flight training and develop a solid foundation for future modular courses, from PPL through to CPL, IR and APS MCC.”

Skyborne’s ATPL Theoretical Knowledge Distance Learning course combines Padpilot technology with lessons delivered by Skyborne’s expert ground school team over Moodle and takes between 12 and 24-months to complete.

The interactive programme is fully flexible and can be completed around existing work and family commitments. Trainees will benefit from three-weeks of onsite exam preparation training at Skyborne’s flagship Gloucestershire Airport training centre at no additional charge.
