Sochi International Airport upgrades aviation security systems


The implementation of the project on modernization of the aviation security system is underway at the Sochi International Airport. The project involves the entire range of aviation security measures provided for by Russian legislation and international practice. This includes not only the use of advanced technical solutions but also training and continuous professional development of personnel.

Special attention is paid to the introduction of the most modern and effective developments in the field of security. Since February 2020, Sochi Airport has been successfully operating the Nuctech CX130130D and Nuctech CX8065TI advanced X-ray television passenger screening systems. With the help of the last year, the Aviation Security Service identified and seized 25 prohibited items and substances – 4 types of cold weapons and 21 special tools. About 600 kg of flammable liquids, 321 kg of toxic substances, 21 piercing and cutting objects, and 814 pyrotechnic devices were also found.

This year airport intends to completely modernize the video surveillance system of the airport terminal and surrounding areas. By the end of the first half of the year, it is planned to replace more than 600 cameras, as well as install high-speed equipment with an intelligent function for detecting forgotten (intentionally or not) things. Among the advantages of modern technology, it is worth highlighting the excellent resolution quality and the presence of the BigData option, which allows you to store large amounts of information.

By the beginning of the summer season, Sochi Airport plans to introduce a modern version of the electronic boarding pass, which will eliminate paper tickets and ensure quick detection of passengers at the airport due to full integration with all existing check-in systems.

For example, a new technology establishes an instant connection between a passenger and his luggage. In case of detection of prohibited items or substances when loading luggage in the luggage compartment, the passenger is automatically not allowed to enter the “clean” area during the pre-flight inspection. If the passenger still manages to enter the “clean” zone illegally, the system will block his landing and give a signal to the Aviation Security Service. The system fully complies with aviation legislation and meets the requirements of airlines and airports.

Training of the Aviation Security Service personnel is carried out in its own Aviation Training Center on the Programs of ensuring transport and Aviation security and training of complex inspection groups and security group personnel. The airport has organized weekly training sessions for the security team and the security screening group in emergencies with the involvement of law enforcement officers and the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. In 2020, 144 special training sessions were held.

«The safety of passengers, guests, and employees is an absolute priority of our activities. At Sochi airport, security is maintained through effective interaction with the police, other law enforcement agencies, security services of airlines and cooperating organizations», – said Sergey Filippov, Managing Director of Sochi International Airport.
